Computer Repair Authorization Computer Hardware and Software Repair AuthorizationFirst NameLast NameAddressCityStateZip CodeEmail AddressToday’s DateIs your data backed up? Yes NoDo you have data to transfer? Yes NoDo you need an antivirus license? Yes $59.99/Yr 1 PC Yes $99.99/Yr up to 3 PC I have a license I do not need antivirus softwareHardware Replace Hard Drive with SSD Upgrade Memory/RAM Replace Laptop Keyboard Replace Laptop Mouse Pad Replace Motherboard Replace Power Supply Install Additional Hard Drive Install or Replace Video CardOperating System Install Latest Windows OS Update Operating System Reinstall Operating System Install Specific OS Install Specific OS VersionOther Install All Drivers Update Computer BIOS Install Microsoft Office Other Specific Software PCOS Cloud Backup Service Setup Email ClientSpecific Software RequestDo you have a password on your computer? Yes NoPlease enter your computer password or pinHow did you hear about us? Search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.) Craigslist Recommended by friends or colleague Social media OtherPlease indicate how did you hear about us. By clicking this checkbox, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions and consent to have PC on Site 24/7 store my submitted information along with my IP address so that they can validate and perform maintenance, repairs, and or upgrades.Please click the box belowSubmit Authorization