PC on Site 24/7 Computer Repair Terms and Conditions Agreement
By agreeing to have PC on Site 24/7 work on your computer(s), you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to the computer repair terms and conditions agreement below. By eSigning this form, you agree to these terms and conditions.
I authorized PC on Site 24/7 to work on my computer and perform all upgrades, repairs, or maintenance listed in the above form. I understand that PC on Site 24/7 is not responsible for any data loss due to hardware failure. I understand that I am responsible for backup my critical data before bringing my computer in for repair. PC on Site 24/7 provides a free trial of their custom management software for 30 days and it will be automatically removed at the end of the trial period with no obligation to purchase a monthly service contract, this software can be removed anytime at your request. I acknowledge that if any data transfer is requested then PC on Site 24/7 will make a copy of your data and store it for no longer than 24 hours after computer repair.